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Laravel complete guide tutorials

Laravel complete guide tutorials

Some Important command in Laravel used on peroid basis when you work in Laravel:

Full form of NPM - NPM stand for "Node Package Manager"

Download composer direct link in window

-Click here to download composer for wondows

Laravel official website url -

command to create laravel project by version using composer

- "composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog "6.*""

migration command in laravel to create table -

"php artisan make:migration create_users_table"

Note:- This command will used to create an users table

laravel migrate command-

php artisan migrate

create resource controller in laravel command -

"php artisan make:controller Write_here_your_controller_name -r"

Note:- if you dont need to create resource controller then just remove -r written in last of command.

if you create controller with Resource then it will auto make some methods inside controller which are same like CRUD(Create, Read, Update and destroy) Operation like-

1. Index() method:

This method can be used for <strong>R</strong>ead Operation i.e read the data from database table.

2.Create() method:

This method can be used for return the Form page where you will insert that value (Ex. Registreation form).

3.Store() method:

This method can be used for write the code for Insert or <strong>C</strong>reate the form data inside table.

3.edit() method:

This method can be used for return the Editing Form with data according to passing id.

4.update() method:

This method can be used for write the code for <strong>U</strong>pdate the data according to passed id.

5.destroy() method:

This method can be used for <strong>D</strong>elete the record.

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